Tuesday, June 3, 2008


Never put on a jewel from someone else’s crown.
Do chase your dreams but don’t be the reason for a frown.

Look beyond yourself and learn from every sight.
Keep what’s good for you; it may become your might.

Measure every word minutely, before it escapes your lips.
For you’ll be solely responsible for every heart that it rips.

Never bring home a stolen broth, even if it means hunger.
Don’t touch the hem of luck’s cloak, but hold on to faith’s finger.

If you can’t climb to the top, don’t pull down the other climbers.
Walk; strive on to your ends even as the world slumbers.

Because remember, till today,
Every word you ever spoke, every step that you ever took,
Have been neatly recorded in time’s little note book.
~ Maithili Desai

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