Tuesday, June 3, 2008

The Ideal Land

There is a land,
Somewhere beyond the rainbow, where it is all peace.
All is as calm as the unhurried notes
flying from a piper’s pipe.
Some words don’t exist there.
Words like ‘hate’, ‘war’, ‘revenge’……
Words which we use here everyday,
with ease and fluency.
There is the perfume of love
In the air, constantly.
bubbling laughter graces every street.
And smiles line every by-way.
No tongue has learned
To be insulting or injuring.
No hand has ever even thought
of inflicting pain on a fellow being.
Yet, a myriad of colours exists there,
Together, complementing,
Not competing.
It is so beautiful….oh this place,
it seems like a bit of paradise….
If it could only be brought here…
~Maithili Desai

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