Thursday, March 20, 2008

I Wish...

To play and run with me,
To help me climb trees,
Oh! I need for me a brother,
Who’ll bandage my skinned knees.

To encourage, boost and praise me,
Whenever I feel low,
Oh, I really need a brother,
To help me learn to grow.

Oh, I really want a brother,
Oh, I do, with all my heart,
To be my sun in stormy skies,
And tear the dark apart.

To assure and pacify me,
That the world is on our side,
I do so want a brother,
From I have nothing to hide.

To be strong and wise and helpful,
When my world is falling apart,
I wish I had a brother,
To hold me to his heart.

Someone I can lean on,
When my feet seem to give way,
When there is no trace of light,
And the dark looks ‘here-to-stay’

With me, to watch a rainbow,
When the storms are all over,
I long for an elder brother,
To be my lucky clover.
--Maithili Desai


Praneta said...

That was a beautifully written piece of work....straight from ur heart and gone straight to mine...u r terrific...!!!! cant find words to describe what i felt after i read that piece... great work dear..!!!!

Maithili Desai said...

thanks di
i guess sometimes, the tears of the heart do bring colour to paper....