Thursday, March 20, 2008

I Wish...

To play and run with me,
To help me climb trees,
Oh! I need for me a brother,
Who’ll bandage my skinned knees.

To encourage, boost and praise me,
Whenever I feel low,
Oh, I really need a brother,
To help me learn to grow.

Oh, I really want a brother,
Oh, I do, with all my heart,
To be my sun in stormy skies,
And tear the dark apart.

To assure and pacify me,
That the world is on our side,
I do so want a brother,
From I have nothing to hide.

To be strong and wise and helpful,
When my world is falling apart,
I wish I had a brother,
To hold me to his heart.

Someone I can lean on,
When my feet seem to give way,
When there is no trace of light,
And the dark looks ‘here-to-stay’

With me, to watch a rainbow,
When the storms are all over,
I long for an elder brother,
To be my lucky clover.
--Maithili Desai

Saturday, March 8, 2008


Sometimes, life looks mean. Everything looks like it is on its last mile. The sun of joy sets before your eyes. Nothing seems right. All the dreams that you ever saw lay shattered before your eyes. Tears and sorrow look like sticky room mates; they never leave you alone. All that you ever seem to be doing is brood into the distant nowhere. Your thoughts run around your head in depressing circles within the walls of your skull. Your heart grows heavy with the thoughts you prefer not to recall. The sun is up but the rays don’t touch you at all. Questions on questions pound your head, but answers never make their way to you. No hope….. No glimmer of joy……
And just when you feel that your dark tunnel will never end, there is pounding on your door……………….
“Hey dude!! What’s up with you?”
It’s your pals.
“Cummon up!!!!!!! Join us!!! We’re gonna party out tonight!!!!!!!!!!!”
And up comes the sun!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, March 3, 2008

My Messenger

Into the bag by my side,
my blood it flows steadily.
On its way to save a soul,
leaving my veins readily.
To my blood as it dances away,
softly I murmur a plea.
"Go now, and prove your worth,
of great use to some one you may be.
Go and rescue some poor soul,
flow in veins other than mine.
when someone has lost faith,
you flow with the hope divine.
Yet as you leave on your mission,
remember to take with you,
all those things i am proud to possess,
Love, Joy, Courage and Sensitivity too.
Fill your new home t the brim,
with a love eternal and pure.
Warm that heart when it gets cold,
make those quaking steps feel secure.
Dance in their heart, unabashed,
with life's warmth and bliss.
Lift their spirit when they feel low,
in a cold winter, be Spring's kiss.
Don't forget, on your long journey,
that you are compeled to teach,
how to love beyond barriers,
how distant hearts to reach.
Go now, and run to the aid
of a soul that needs you the most.
Go and spread my word of love,
before it is forgotten or lost.
Go now, with my eternal love,
I believe in its sacred might.
Iknow the world lies in hate's clutches...
Go now, and join the fight...
~ Maithili Desai